Classify is premium wordpress theme suitable for classifieds ads and directory listing websites and its a first classified detailed wordpress theme along with bbPress ready. Classify integrated with google maps and geo location supporting fully responsive wordpress theme looks great on retina displays. Built using bootstrap 2.3.2 front end framework and its advanced search option based on categories and location.
Classify classified advertisements wordpress theme admin framework powered by redux framework, valid HTML5 / CSS3 makes classify as search engine friendly theme and enabled with translation support as well. Bundled with working contact form, LayerSlider ($17 worth) wordpress plugin enabled with touch swipe compatible. Classify is paypal ready wordpress theme, users able to pay and publish the paid advertisements in no time.
Classify Classified Ads WordPress Theme Key Features
- 100% responsive layout
- Bootstrap 2.3.2 framework
- Redux admin framework
- Valid HTML5 / CSS3 code
- LayerSlider ($17 worth)
- bbPress support ready
- Paypal gateway ready
- Working contact form
- Translation support
- Geo location support
- 650+ Google fonts library
- Google maps with styles
- Twitter integrated
- Life time free support
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