Homer is clean, flat & stylish admin dashboard HTML theme / template built using famous twitter bootstrap 3.3.x framework. Its mobile first fluid grid system that appropriately scales up to 12 columns as the device or viewport size increases. Suitable for small & medium sized webApp & CMS applications and Homer is HTML5 / CSS3 valid webApp admin HTML theme / template included with powerful LESS CSS Preprocessor and available with AngularJS version along with Grunt / Bower.
Homer WebApp admin HTML theme is suitable for fully responsive and fixed / fluid width admin sections and theme package included with SeedProject, which is an application skeleton for a typical AngularJS web app, and it contains AngularJS libraries, test libraries and a bunch of scripts all pre-configured for instant web development gratification.
Homer admin dashboard HTML theme designed using well structured and neatly organized code and included with basic elements of typography, beautiful CSS3 buttons along with handy components such as Tabs, accordion, tool tips, popover, collapse and other UI components. Also has various HTML5 charts (radar, doughnut, polor so on), Flot chart (pure JavaScript plotting library for jQuery), Small inline charts, useful page templates, ngGgrid tables along with various forms and box transitions.
Homer AngularJS WebApp Admin HTML Theme / Template Key Features
- Fully responsive, fluid / fixed width
- Twitter Bootstrap 3.3.x framework
- Included with AngularJS version
- Valid HTML5 & CSS3 standard
- Awesome CSS3 animations
- Seedproject application skeleton
- Latest jQuery plugins included
- Collapsible admin sidebar
- Used with LESS preprocessor
- Cross browser compatible
- Forms elements, box transitions
- Font Awesome / 7-stroke icons
- ChartJS / Flot chart / Inline charts
- Life time free support / updates
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