Appboard is very promising admin dashboard HTML template coded with AngularJS javascript MVC framework and designed using Bootstrap 3 frontend framework. Appboard is W3C valid, cross browser compatible admin HTML template featured with Grunt tasks and included with LESS files helps you to manage CSS files like pro.
Easily switch between navigation style vertical to horizondal just a click away and quickly dock the admin navigation assures clutter free dashboard presence. Appboard HTML template preloaded with 10+ colourful skins and all templates images are compressed using punypng compressor assures faster loading. Also have 2 dashboard layout designs to choose from and various charts, custom page templates, UI elements, forms are the key to build any kind of admin interface with ease.
Appboard AngularJS WebApp Admin HTML Template Key Features
- 2 unique admin dashboards
- 10 predefined colour schemes
- Grunt task javascript task runner
- AngularJS MVC framework
- Bootstrap 3 frontend framework
- Vertical & horizontal navigation
- Included with LESS CSS files
- W3C valid & cross browser support
- Ultra responsive table layouts
- Life time free support / updates
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